iOS Swift SwiftUI Core ML Vision


A very simple iOS app for identifying food.

Saturday, December 26, 2020, 3:09:48 AM PST

SeeFood is a very simple iOS app that I wrote for identifying food. Given an image, SeeFood will try to determine whether the subject is a hot dog or not a hot dog. SeeFood is a fork of Garbage Vision with the Garbage Net Core ML model replaced with the Hot Dog Net Core ML model. Classification is handled exceedingly well by the Hot Dog Net Core ML model, which I created using Apple's Create ML app and trained using the Hot Dog - Not Hot Dog dataset from Kaggle by DanB. In practice, I've noticed that classification has been mostly accurate, with the only minor quirk being an issue in differentiating between hot dog and hamburger, which imo are basically the same 🤣.

SeeFood takes inspiration from Jian-Yang's "SeeFood" app in HBO's Silicon Valley TV series, which can only classify foods as hot dog or not hot dog. I wrote this app as a joke after showing Garbage Vision to my friends a day earlier.